Iceland Fishing Guide

Sea Trout & Char Fishing

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Eyjafjarðará in the Akureyri Area

Eyjafjarðará is a medium sized river situated in the bottom of the fjord Eyjafjörður that the river draws it’s name from. The river is located only a five minute drive from the town of Akureyri making it one of the local favorites. The river used to be known as the best arctic char river in Iceland and although it’s numbers have steadily declined over the last 10 years the river still has some of the biggest sea run arctic char running into it along with great big runs of fall run arctic char. While the numbers of char running into the river have declined the number of sea run brown trout have been increasing year by year and today August, September & October are know for it’s sea trout fishing.

The river has 6 beats all with different characteristics & each beat allows 2 rods per day. To protect the declining stock of arctic char the rules are catch & release while you are allowed to take a trout or two for eating.

The fishing season starts April 20th with the spring fishing of sea trout and throughout may there are good size trout being caught with the biggest recorded last spring of 82cm. The arctic char then start making their way up river in small numbers in early to mid July depending on weather conditions and for some anglers this is the most exciting time to be fishing the Eyjafjarðará since the first char are usually the biggest and following that run is the more intense runs of smaller char from 1,5 to 3 lbs.


Since Eyjafjarðará is so close to Akureyri anglers can stay at any guesthouse or hotel.

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Photos from Eyjafjarðará!